Thanks to your support of Taproot Guru, we have been able to make a $200.00 donation to each of last year's nonprofits (Fins Attached, The Honey Bee Conservancy, Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, and The Jane Goodall Institute). We thank you very much for that!

Organizations we have supported in other years

Organization We Support 2019


Mission Blue

Founded by the legendary scientist Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue is a coalition of ocean-minded organizations. Through this coalition Mission Blue seeks to explore and protect oceanic ecosystems by spreading public awareness, conducting research and advocating for the creation
of a network of marine sanctuaries. Inspired by the concept of biodiversity "hotspots", threatened areas on land with large numbers of uniquely occurring animals and plants, Mission Blue has identified a series of "Hope Spots" where marine life is particularly unique and
threatened (and they invite people to nominate places they care about!). With all of the environmental destruction in the world, it fills me with so much hope to see a big organization like this standing up and saying "Spread the word! We CAN save the world!" Mission Blue helps
to provide real hope for our ocean-dwelling animals and for our planet as a whole. This is why I am endorsing Mission Blue for 2019. Please send them your support, and check out their documentary, which shares the organizations name, "Mission Blue"

Stephen Curro


International Fund for Animal Welfare

I have chosen the International Fund for Animal Welfare--in particular--the penguin rescue, rehab and release program. You can read more about this at Protecting penguins. I am excited about this is so difficult when we all love ALL creatures. I was going to choose hedgehogs, but in my research all I could find was caring, showing and how to keep them as pets--maybe it is worthwhile, but I will have to do more research before next year's selection. Go gurus! Waddle on....

Annette Aldridge




The American Eagle Foundation

Hi Gurus! As you know I’ve loved birds of all kinds forever. I started out searching for an organization dedicated to Corvids, but decided to go a bit broader. I chose The American Eagle Foundation located in TN. You can learn more at

Maria Casolaro



The Wild Animal Sanctuay

Staying close to home this year, I am choosing The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesberg, Colorado to support through Taproot Guru. Addressing what they call a “Captive Wildlife Crisis” ... They are currently a forever home to over 460 lions, tigers, wolves, bears and others that have been rescued from harmful and illegal situations and given wide open spaces to roam and recover! To emphasize just how critical this captive crisis is, just one of the many facts they share is that there are more tigers living in captivity just in the state of Texas then are living in the wild all over the world. Unbelievable!

This is a sanctuary for animals that, after rescue, are rehabilitated and released onto the ever growing preserved areas of the Sanctuary ... they recently added a 9000 acre ranch! This not a zoo! The animals come first and it’s quite an expensive undertaking. They receive no government subsidies and this tremendous effort for the animals relies solely on donations.

Check them out at and you will see why I am such a supporter of their efforts!

Debbie Murphy


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